04 Apr Five Tips for Daily Inspirational Success by Neil B. Wood
I have enjoyed my role as a sales trainer, professional speaker and story teller for the last 20 years. It’s a passion of mine, I enjoy it and the best part is that I have a positive influence on the lives of thousands. I believe we are all here for a special reason and mine is to inspire others to improve their life, business, relationships, attitude and health.
These days, I’m getting dozens of calls weekly from people who need a good dose of inspiration. The stock market is rocking, but there are still many people struggling to succeed, dealing with layoffs or still suffering from the setback of the economic disaster in 2008. The first quarter is also when many relationships fall apart and come to an end.
Here are five ways to get inspired each day!
- Start each day focusing on what you are grateful for. I do this while sitting on a yoga mat, looking at the calm water on Sunset Bay. Dwelling on what you don’t have will drain you of energy and joy. By focusing on you are grateful for, you will feel so much better after and even during this exercise. I do this every morning and also before I go to sleep. It puts good thoughts in my head. You’ll always sleep better with good thoughts rather than worries.
2. “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” I have shared this quote by Norman Vincent Peale, best-selling author and inspiring speaker, with thousands. You’ll have approximately 60,000 thoughts today. Pay attention to these thoughts. Ask yourself if these thoughts are bringing energy and passion to your daily life or are they draining you?
Thoughts are very powerful ‘things’ that possess great amounts of energy. You can build yourself up or you can tear yourself down. The choice is yours each day and each moment. Replace those negative thoughts with more positive and inspiring thoughts.
3. Take a personal inventory of all the things about yourself that you are proud of. Read it aloud each morning and each evening. Post it on the mirror and read it while you brush your teeth. Zig Ziglar told us that to stay positive and inspired, you have to do a ‘check-up from the neck up’ and create a list of all the things you like about yourself. Don’t talking to yourself in negative terms and waste too much time on ‘stinkin thinkin’. Stay away from draining thoughts like “I’m not good enough, strong enough, tall enough, rich enough, experienced enough or beautiful enough.” Ok, Enough!!
4. Share time with others who are inspired in life. We are affected by the people we talk to everyday and share time with. If you want to be more inspired, then share time with others who are inspiring. Annie Oakley once said, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” There are some people who complain all day and others who are passionate about life, love, family, their work and their goals. When we share time with people who are passionate and inspired, it DOES affect us in a very positive way.
5. Read something positive and inspirational for five to ten minutes each morning and evening. The NEWS does not count because that’s rarely anything positive. Go to pinterest.com, type in a topic like inspiration quotes, positive thinking, happiness or passion and within seconds you’ll have dozens of quotes. Read a few of those and within minutes, you’ll feel energized and inspired. This is the site I use to get my daily inspiration for my morning email blast that goes to thousands of friends and peers.
Wishing you endless inspiration, plenty of empowering thoughts and lots of success today and in the next quarter. If you know a company or group that would appreciate a one hour presentation on how to get and stay inspired, feel welcome to contact [email protected]
Neil Wood started his career in the financial services industry in 1987. He has given more than 5,000 presentations to salespeople throughout North America since the 1990s and is one of the most experienced and entertaining speakers in the industry. His book, The Best Practices of Successful Financial Advisors reached #1 International Best Seller on Amazon.
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